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We’re brand journalists.
We clarify, simplify and amplify your message.

As brand journalists, we’ve covered everything from healthcare and
education to B2B, retail and non-profits.

We understand the power of language to shape perception,
and we employ it for our clients every day.

Your story is unique. Here’s how we tell it:

We Clarify

Brands get complicated and confusing over time. Our Messaging Workshop reveals and focuses on the central ideas your audiences need to know.

Tell me more about the Messaging Workshop »

We Simplify

We refine and distill the heart of your story, tailored to your audiences. Then we codify your brand messaging in a custom-built Identity Kit. Simple, right?

Tell me more about the Identity Kit »

We Amplify

Our Content Playbook outlines the content we’ll create to accelerate your messages through inbound marketing, earned media and more.

Tell me more about the Content Playbook »


Let us tell your story. We’re a mostly-virtual group of content experts
led by two super-experienced brand journalists.


Liz Smutko, Founder and Principal

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Masters in Journalism from Syracuse. Neal and Davey Award winner. After years of wandering in the desert, she’s come back to the Oxford comma.

“Content is the magnet that draws people to your brand and engages them over time. That’s why creating high-value content is more important than ever.”

– Pro-level wordsmith and editor
– Pioneering content strategist at Suite Seven
– Created JewelryWise, and so much more

Contact Liz at
Liz’s LinkedIn profile


Len O’Neal, Vice President

Writing pro from Carnegie Mellon who, when he’s not prowling the waterways of Charleston, SC in search of the perfect sunset, is a master of online content strategy, digital marketing, web and mobile UX, and the perfect taco filling.

“Audiences come first. Crafting sites and mobile experiences that serve your audience is my sole focus. Well, that and tacos...”

– Founder and owner of Silver Fox Consulting Group

Contact Len at
Len’s LinkedIn profile

Jerry Steinbrink, Managing Director

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Journalism degree from Temple. Feels the connection between content and design in his bones. Once had a real conversation with Pete Townshend.

“Messaging is crucial – it differentiates and energizes your brand. Creative messaging resonates with your audiences and moves them to act.”

– Launched
– Chief Brand Officer at Philadelphia Media Network
– Chief Marketing Officer at the Wharton School

Contact Jerry at
Jerry’s LinkedIn profile


“The Content Agency helped us understand our audiences and simplify our messages. The result has been a huge growth in leads.”

– Pete Cooper, CEO, Spring Creek Design

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